It is with great excitement and joy that we share this Confirmation White Paper, which is a belief-statement about the Sacrament of Confirmation, written collaboratively by:
The Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries
The Office of Worship
The Department of Catechetical Services
The Catholic Schools Office
This belief statement calls those who journey with the young church to intentionally engage in their roles of shaping, inspiring, and animating youth into their role as disciples of Jesus Christ. Parents/families, confirmation preparation teams, and the parish community are ALL charged with providing environments for catechesis that awaken and empower the Young Church to be the “MORE” in the world today.
It is our goal that after prayerfully reading this belief statement you identify your role in shaping youth as they gain a fuller understanding of our Catholic faith, committing to participating in the life of the church.
Click here to prayerfully read the Confirmation White paper in English or in Spanish.
Click here to read through frequently asked questions answered by the Diocese.
It is NOT Graduation from the Church, going to Mass, Life Teen, etc.
It's a time of TRANSFORMATION.
It is not becoming a part of the Church; you are already part of the Church. That happened at Baptism!
You are not becoming an adult in the Church.
You are still a teenager & you have a unique role in the Church.
Confirmation at St. Paul’s is a two-year preparation program. The Confirmation candidate is required to actively participate in the youth ministry program through our weekly ministry nights, retreats, and service projects.
Here at St. Paul’s we use LifeTeen’s newest recourse for our confirmation preparation. Purpose is a transformative experience that won’t simply prepare youth for the Sacrament of Confirmation- it will empower them to become lifelong disciples and evangelists in a world that is desperately seeking a purpose that can only be found in Christ.