This site is a community site, where people and organizations can contribute and update information and events directly. To contribute, you need a log-in name and a password, which you should have received from the site administrator. If you need one, please contact me at [email protected] . This login and password will enable you to add events and information, and contribute items to the pages you have been authorized to edit.
To get started, go to the Saint Paul the Apostle main page, scroll down to the bottom, and click the "Login" link, which will bring you to the login page. There, enter your login name (usually your first initial + last name, all lowercase letters), and your password. This will put you in editing mode.
Changing Your Password
Click on the "Administration" button at the top. On the Administration page, click the "Admin Users" tab, then select your name to edit. Change your password (be sure to write it down to remember it!), and click the "Update" button.
Editing a Page
To find the page to edit, click on the "Edit Website" section at the top. Navigate to the page you want to edit, and just click on the section to enable editing. Make your changes to the page, and click "Publish." Do not be afraid to play around a bit; nothing will change until you click the "Publish" button. You can always click the “Revert” button instead to restore it to the original.
Adding an Event
Events (for example, meetings) can be added to the calendar by clicking the plus sign on the upper right when you are in a Calendar module on the page.
IMPORTANT TIP: Use the TAB key to navigate between fields, NOT "Enter."
MORE IMPORTANT TIP: There are all sorts of tutorials available here: . They go into much more detail and have better information.
Please send questions, comments, and suggested improvements to [email protected] .